About the Book

California Slim

This is a coming-of-age memoir from an unbelievable time. That it involves sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll is almost a side note to all the incredible adventures that Bernstein tells so well. In his inimitably humble and laugh-out-loud way, the author brings to life a huge part of our history as he rubs elbows with the musical celebrities of his day.

CALIFORNIA SLIM is a remarkable, utterly relatable, and still-relevant coming-of-age memoir, as well as a unique insider’s narrative of that colorful time.

— Tony Compagno, San Mateo–based writer and editor

I read Andrew’s CALIFORNIA SLIM earlier this summer, and what struck me most was the level of intimacy I felt, not only with the characters, but the time. It felt as though I were actually there, because Andrew’s passion and love for the times, the music, the innovation, and his friendships really comes through.

— Erin Lee